Monday, August 28, 2006


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Please answer both parts:

What is the value of learning? What are the purpose of grades?


Blogger karmk said...

I agree with michael, learning is everything. without learning where would we be in life? even if we are not in school, sitting in desks listening to teachers, we are out in the world learning. we learn how to get from point A to point B, we learn at our jobs and we learn how to act in the real world. without learning its like there is no life. So the value of learning is like living life. you learn things everyday i guarentee. And with learning we are advancing everyday because smart people learned what they needed to to make life easier for us. with the computer, cell phone, light bulb etc. So we need to learn whether we like it or not.
The point of grades is to see where we are at in learning. I think it is a good thing we have grades because it shows the areas we excell and the areas we need to improve in. Grades are like our guidelines in school. With grades we know where we are in all subjects and where we know where we need to get help. Also, for jobs they even give you greades. for instance, for inspections of resturaunts, they tell you how clean your store is by a grading system. And with the grading system, it htells you where your good at and where you need to step it up. Again, grades are everywhere and we need to go by them because they are very helpful with all aspects of life.

6:04 PM  
Blogger karmk said...

I agree with michael, learning is everything. without learning where would we be in life? even if we are not in school, sitting in desks listening to teachers, we are out in the world learning. we learn how to get from point A to point B, we learn at our jobs and we learn how to act in the real world. without learning its like there is no life. So the value of learning is like living life. you learn things everyday i guarentee. And with learning we are advancing everyday because smart people learned what they needed to to make life easier for us. with the computer, cell phone, light bulb etc. So we need to learn whether we like it or not.
The point of grades is to see where we are at in learning. I think it is a good thing we have grades because it shows the areas we excell and the areas we need to improve in. Grades are like our guidelines in school. With grades we know where we are in all subjects and where we know where we need to get help. Also, for jobs they even give you greades. for instance, for inspections of resturaunts, they tell you how clean your store is by a grading system. And with the grading system, it htells you where your good at and where you need to step it up. Again, grades are everywhere and we need to go by them because they are very helpful with all aspects of life.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Billy N. said...

The value of learning is to do better in life in general. No matter what career you choose in life, you have to know a lot about it. In today's day and age, the jobs that require more knowledge, pay more. The purpose of grades is to judge your progress in a certain area or subject. In today's schools grades revolve around tests which suposedly test how much we've learned. However, is this the only way to judge a students learning. Students like myself freeze up on tests. The pressure put on getting a good grade, is so heavy that I collapse under pressure. I'm not saying tests should be done for completely butshould they really be the main judge of knowledge?

10:26 AM  
Blogger Andrew M said...

I believe that learning is very valuable to people in regards to functioning and interacting in society. If people are taught the right things in and out of school and they are able to learn the material given to them they can have an easier path to success in life. Learning is very important and through learning comes other ideas from people who take learning to a whole new level thus advancing us as a whole. On the otherhand grades are not quite as important in attending school as learning the material is. Grades were made to assess and motivate students in school. This is an important tool to keep young people interested and competetive in striving to learn but often times grades become the main focus of the student and they loose passion for learning. Although grades often are a representation of how the student is learning it is unfortunate that it is not always this way. Both are important in the end as long as there is a balance where learning comes first.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Roxy S said...

The value of learning is to expand our minds. If we werent learning, as humans, I think we can fairly assume that we would be craving knowledge anyway. The purpose of grades, although I disagree with them, is to have a way to show how well we learn, our willingness to learn, and in a way what we learn to those that are going to help us continue with our education.

10:17 PM  
Blogger Troy B said...

I think that there is a lot of value in learning. Its not just for you to say "hey i finished school" becasue you should go to want to learn. When you do that you will learn other things that you will be able to use i life, because if you think about it you really just don't learn in school you learn in life by doing, sharing, and feeling. Its that expirence that will teach you things you need in life.
I really don't think that there is a purpose in grades other then to show the amout of effort someone puts in. They don't reflect how smart you are, because you could be the smartes person on earth but if you don't do the work or turn it in then grades won't show an inteligence level. But aside from effort it can show if you have ur priortys strait in the same way, because you should know that you need to do work and turn things in. If we had never started using grades there would be less pressure on kids to try hard to get good grades they would just do the work, because there wouldn't be any pressure to get everything right.

12:07 AM  

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